Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Socks made and socks yet to come

I love sock yarn, especially the magic kind that does lovely stripes all by itself. When I learnt to knit about 5 years ago (taught by my lovely aunt) I read about it in a knitting magazine and wanted to have a go with it. I did knit my first pair of socks a couple of years ago but I was still a fairly new knitter and they took several months to finish because of the little needles. I had a go but couldn't work out grafting so did a 3 needle bind off and ended up with these funny funnel toes :)

But now I can knit quicker and those little needles aren't such a drag I had another go. I bought myself some Lorna's Laces for Christmas and made this

(It still needs a mate but I left this at home when I came away on tour so it will have to wait!)

I brought a ball of sock yarn and pattern on tour incase I wanted a change from all of the cashmerino astrakhan baby jumpers I'm currently working on (Sheepish in York were selling it at £2 a ball in January - it practically bought itself!). I only had a part ball having made a hat from it already so I adapted the pattern to make trainer socks. Three weeks later we have

And along the way this might have ordered itself from the interwebs

as might this

and a little wander in London might have taken in Iknit where this might have been purchased

as might this which also seems to have started turning itself into another sock! An ankle sock this time.

I'm sure loving this yarn as it has almost single round stripes. The pink does just 1 round but the purple does 1 round and a bit you can't see this unless you are looking very closely.

I'm seeing a lot more socks in my future. I can even wear these now I've got the grafting thing