Wednesday, 15 July 2009


I always have a number of projects on the needles. Different techniques and yarns so that I have a nice variety to work through and combat the ennui a long stretch of garter or stocking stitch can cause. However, I only ever have 1 pair of socks on the needles. Until now that is.

This is Pomatomus my first pair of patterned socks and I'm enjoying knitting them. The pattern is easy to read, I love the way the colour is spiralling around the sock and the curves of the pattern itself. I do have to concentrate to knit them though. With a twisted rib, K2tog and yarn overs on every row I can cope with watching TV or travelling, but I need to keep a close eye on my hands so reading is out. This is a big problem.

I got stuck into this, just couldn't put it down. That meant no Pomatomus. So I cheated on it, cast on Mr Vanilla - this plain knit sock in this lovely stripy colourway.
As you can see I've been doing a lot of reading - I'm at the gusset already!

With this lot on the 'knitting' pile I'm going to be hanging with Mr Vanilla for a while yet. Having said that I'm off to the Isle of Wight with Pomatomus for a dirty weekend. I'm travelling by train so we'll have a few hours alone together.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

In a pickle

I had a busy day this week chopping and boiling and pouring to turn my pile of bargain fruit from the market in jars of yummy jam and chutney. I had a bit of help from this fantastic book - Sensational Preserves.

There is Garlic Chutney, Coconut Relish, Spiced Pineapple Chutney and Cherry and Blueberry Jam. All I need now is some labels and they'll be ready to go out as Christmas presents. I hope everyone likes jam!