Saturday, 23 January 2010

The Knitter's Progress

Progress has been made around here lately. This scarf has been finished and blocked. It's just waiting for some ends to be woven in.

I have made three pairs of these mittens since I found the pattern before Christmas. There are still a couple more pairs to go as I don't have a pair yet.
And finally progress is also being made on a scarf for my brother. I'm onto the third ball of this eight ball beast. It will need a good block when it's finished to open up the cables a bit and give it some much needed extra width.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I've had a lovely Christmas this year. My current job is a hop, skip and a short ferry ride away from the Isle of Wight and some of my family. This was all the excuse that was needed to have a full on family Christmas, even Grumps made the trip down to join us. There was lots of yummy food, walks by the sea, excited toddlers charging about, old men snoozing in front of the fire, scrabble games and glasses of single malt. Perfect. I was spoilt with some great gifts from people who obviously know me very well! PJs, slippers, perfume, a jigsaw, a cook book and some knitting things. Knitted Lace of Estonia came from Bee and these fabby blocking wires were from my little brother.

Now I'm not really one for making New Years resolutions. They're like diets, the moment you say you can't have something that's all you want. Having said that I do have an aim for the year. To use my stash. I have a good stash of yarn that will allow me to knit a variety of projects through the year. I have enough for a few childrens jumpers, a couple of lace shawls, some socks and even an aran jumper for Grumps. I also have a large stash of fabric and a stack of books that I've not got around to reading yet. So the plan is to find interesting projects that will use up the stash. I'm going to keep a wish list of any yummy yarns or fabric that I spot during the year, then I'll have something to ask Santa for next year! At the moment I'm working on getting all of my yarn stash photographed and up on Ravelry so that I can see how well the stash busting is going. I have also been working on finishing projects that have been hanging around in my knitting basket for a while. A few things are finished, just needing a block and photos taking and then they'll be ready to share.