Saturday, 27 February 2010

... by little

Progress is speeding up on the Deep in the Forest Mittens.

Day 15 saw mitten 1 complete and mitten 2 cast on and already at row 32 of the chart, half way through the thumb increases. With 2 days left it looks as though I may just squeak this one under the wire.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Little by Little

Progress is being made on the Deep in the Forest Mittens. Slow progress, but progress none the less. I'm 15 rows into the trees chart and not finding managing two colours that hard. I am fighting with carrying the strands on the back, I keep trying to pull them too tight and have to force myself to leave them loose. I just need to stop going out for lunch and progress might speed up.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Optimistic Olympian

Once again the Olympics are upon us. This time as the athletes gather in Vancouver I'm optimistic that I shall reach the podium. Not for me this year the hurly burly and excitement of the Ravelympics, for that way madness lies [ Beijing 2008. Projects chosen - 4. Other commitments - move house, start a new job. Projects completed - 1 (in December 2009) ]

This year I decided I would throw my hat in with the YarnHarlot. Her vision of The Knitting Olympics is of personal challenge, no teams, no events, no statistics. The idea was very simple
1. Pick a project that will challenge you as a knitter
2. When the torch is lit start knitting
3. Finish by the time the games end.
Simple. Just you, the yarn and 17 days. If you finish you win (and get a button for your blog) if you don't, well hopefully you've had fun and maybe learned something new (like don't bite off more than you can chew! Although that wouldn't be any thing new for me)

And so I picked my project and waited. For a while it looked like YarnHarlot wasn't in for the fun this time around, but that was ok this was a personal challenge after all.

Then the post came, and the game, well Games, were on. I had a prowl through the comments to see what other people were planning and came across these mittens. I had some yarn in my stash that would be perfect and so I switched projects.

And here we are day 6. It's snowing outside, the fire is going and I can't think of anywhere better to be than here finally learning to knit stranded colour work. With only 11 days left I do need to crack on if I hope to finish but with work quieter and my guests all gone I'm feeling quietly optimistic about the whole thing. It's just a shame my TV won't play any BBC channels so I can't watch events unfolding in Vancouver.