Sunday, 25 September 2011

Ticking Along Nicely

With the Knitting and Stitching show at Ally Pally fast approaching I've finally cast on some yarn I purchased there three years ago!

These are both 11 in 11 projects as the patterns have been queued for longer than I've had the yarn. And with these 2 projects well under way that puts me in a better position for hitting my target than I'd previously thought. I thought I had 6 more projects to cast on for but it turns out I only need 4 more. 7 + 4 = 11 right? right? someone please tell me I'm right!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

February Baby Sweater

Pattern: Baby Sweater on Two Needles (February) by Elizabeth Zimmerman from Knitter's Almanac
Yarn: Sundara Sock Yarn in Pine Over Gold
Needles: 3.75mm circular
Cast on: June 2011
Cast off: September 2011

This has been on my want to knit list for quite a while. This version by Brooklyn Tweed sent me off to Amazon to buy Knitter's Almanac just so that I could knit one too. I then kind of freaked out that as a fairly novice knitter I couldn't follow the pattern. Fast forward a few years and this was a no brainer inclusion on the 11 in 11 list.

I used a stashed yarn, Sundara Yarns sock yarn in Pine over Gold (coincidentally a similar yarn and colour to BT's version). The yarn was a little crunchy and rough whilst I was working with it, which was unexpected as previous colourways that I'd used were lovely and soft. Once the cardigan was finished I blocked it using Eucalan and it softened up nicely.

I took this project on holiday with me, knitting happily away on the plane to and from Guernsey, neither security nor stewards batting an eye. The pattern is well written and I found it easy to follow. However, in my usually fashion I managed to sabotage myself. In this case when I switched from the garter stitch yolk to the gull stitch body I was so busy concentrating on the lace pattern that I kept forgetting to knit the first and last few stitches to form a garter stitch button band. I also forgot to start adding button holes, which is why this version only has two, slightly randomly placed, buttonholes. I've made a big note on the pattern so that next time I will remember to add button holes!

All in all I'm pretty pleased with how this project worked out. I like the strong colour combined with the openness of the lace and after it's bath the yarn has a softness that will be perfect next to a baby's cheek.

Thursday, 15 September 2011


I finally got around to blocking the next two 11 in 11 projects today. With any luck (and by luck I mean if I don't distract myself) they should be completed with buttons and all this weekend.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Pink Poppy

Pattern: Poppy by Justine Turner
Needles: 4.5mm bamboo, 3.25mm circular
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran in 300021
Cast on: 26 August 2011
Cast off: 28 August 2011

This was a nice quick knit. The pattern was well written and easy to follow. The yarn is cashmerino aran which I've used lots and is always nice to knit with. If I made this again I would look at the slipped stitches. The pattern says not to knit them but I don't like how noticeable they are on the finished hat. With a more tweedy or variegated yarn they may have been less obvious so that could be worth a try.

This is the third finished 11 in 11 project. There are a couple more than are knit but need seaming or blocking. Having said that I will need to get a bit of a wriggle on to hit my December deadline, especially as Jared Flood's Girasole is on the list! I'm glad I've got a lot of baby projects in the 11 as several friends have bumps. I should be able to hand out appropriately coloured hand knits once the babies arrive.