Thursday, 16 October 2008

Ending and Beginning

Ended - my Lorna's Laces Iris Garden socks. Started in January and finished this week. They haven't been on the needles all that time. Sock 1 got knitted in the spring and sat with it's toe waiting to be gafted until the summer. Sock 2 I tore through in under 2 weeks thanks to the joy of tube time. Time spent travelling from A to B means I can get out my knitting and whizz out a couple of rounds before my stop. All those few rounds soon start to add up and before you know it, you've got a pair (the knitting whilst at work may have helped too!).

Beginning - Lorna's Laces socks in Wisteria this time. These will take a bit longer as they will just be out and about socks. For work knitting I'm continuing with my Wavy scarf.

I have to count to 3 repeatedly for this pattern and it's proving to be a bit beyond me. 1 day last week I had to rip out stitches on nearly every row due to my inability to count to 3. It's rubbish, even children can do it. 1-2-3. See, I can do it too - just not when I have that scarf in my hands! I don't mind being seen out knitting in public but I wouldn't like another knitter to catch me knitting, counting, tinking, reknitting, recounting, tinking again and again on a project that really is quite simple. I also have to keep the pattern with me at all times as it has a 44 row repeat which I can not memorise. It's just too similar, the same rows repeated in different orders sometimes paired, sometimes not.

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