Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Recently I went to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace, and I bought myself some lovely things.

Firstly, Habu yarn. These are to make my friend Sarah a scarf. This scarf that I spotted on the

Habu website a little while ago. The idea of knitting with an unconventional yarn intrigued me but I know that I wouldn't wear the end result. However, my friend Sarah most likely will do. She studied fashion design and now works in theatre costume. I know that even if she doesn't wear it she will be interested in the materials it is made from and will understand and appreciate the work that has gone in to the gift.

I also bought this silk, which strangely looks and feels more like cotton, to make something for myself. A scarf or shawl-ette most likely.

Kauni 8/2. I've bought this in 2 colour ways, rainbow that I hope to use for a Clapotis

and this red/orange that I'm not sure about. Some kind of stole or wrap I think, I'm just not sure which yet. I'm stalking Ravelry's pattern page looking for ideas.

I also bought some sock yarn from Cherry Tree Hill to make , well socks. There's

Caribou Creek
Wild Cherry
and When Only Denim Will Do.

Lastly I bought 2 hanks of laceweight from the Natural Dye Studio.

I have found myself being drawn to lace projects of late. I have a few patterns saved in my Ravelry notebook and will now be able to start narrowing the choices down.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing

Walking along Knightsbridge today these stopped me in my tracks. The windows of Harvey Nichols contained 2 dinosaurs. Escapees from the Natural History Museum down the road? No, these are cleverly constructed of coat hangers. Whoever saw a pile of wooden coat hangers and thought - Dinosaur Skeleton - is a genius, it certainly made me stop and look.

Here they are in all their glory.

Two dinosaurs on the loose and no Nannies in sight. What is the world coming to?

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Out walking

One of the things I love about London is going out walking. There are so many things to see whether it be a walk along the river, through a park or along the streets.

Yesterday I had a good wander from Charing Cross to Marble Arch, past Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park corner, along the Serpentine to Lancaster Gate.

I spotted these joyful chaps watching the boating on the Serpentine.

The idea of 2 snowmen enjoying the autumn sun made me smile.

They make me want to go back with a flask of tea and my book and settle down for an afternoon people watching.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Ending and Beginning

Ended - my Lorna's Laces Iris Garden socks. Started in January and finished this week. They haven't been on the needles all that time. Sock 1 got knitted in the spring and sat with it's toe waiting to be gafted until the summer. Sock 2 I tore through in under 2 weeks thanks to the joy of tube time. Time spent travelling from A to B means I can get out my knitting and whizz out a couple of rounds before my stop. All those few rounds soon start to add up and before you know it, you've got a pair (the knitting whilst at work may have helped too!).

Beginning - Lorna's Laces socks in Wisteria this time. These will take a bit longer as they will just be out and about socks. For work knitting I'm continuing with my Wavy scarf.

I have to count to 3 repeatedly for this pattern and it's proving to be a bit beyond me. 1 day last week I had to rip out stitches on nearly every row due to my inability to count to 3. It's rubbish, even children can do it. 1-2-3. See, I can do it too - just not when I have that scarf in my hands! I don't mind being seen out knitting in public but I wouldn't like another knitter to catch me knitting, counting, tinking, reknitting, recounting, tinking again and again on a project that really is quite simple. I also have to keep the pattern with me at all times as it has a 44 row repeat which I can not memorise. It's just too similar, the same rows repeated in different orders sometimes paired, sometimes not.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Lovely, lovely

Well the family holiday was lovely.

7 days in Dordogne enjoying lovely sun

and lovely food and lovely family.

I did knock out a fair bit of knitting, just not Lillith as planned. The Knit Picks harmony tips I bought for her were 2 different sizes, neither the size I need for the pattern! So they will be sent back from whence they came and I have still to cast on for this.

I then spent a week at home pottering about and dyeing some fabric. This is for the November

favourite technique swap on dyehard run off. I also dyed fabric for the autumn block swap which I spent my day off this week putting together.

I have cast aside the welcome to the world tank top as it is horrid. The yarn slid off the needles constantly and despite having achieved gauge, the neck ended up being far too small and tight to maneuver over a wriggling infants head. All in all it wouldn't have been much of a welcome gift so I shall have to come up with something else instead. I'm thinking a Baby Yours sweater by the Yarnharlot would suit, it looks a bit more interesting than a lot of baby sweaters.

Now I'm here,

working for a few weeks. I'm having a lovely time, the show is great as are the cast and crew and this is my favourite city. I've been out and about walking lots as we've had such fantastic weather. I'm saving the galleries and museums for when the rain comes. An added bonus of this job was the Knitting and Stitching Show. I usually attend in Harrogate but was able to make the event at Alexandra Palace show this year. In case you haven't worked out where I am

this should give it away. Lovely, lovely London.