Wednesday, 22 October 2008


Recently I went to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace, and I bought myself some lovely things.

Firstly, Habu yarn. These are to make my friend Sarah a scarf. This scarf that I spotted on the

Habu website a little while ago. The idea of knitting with an unconventional yarn intrigued me but I know that I wouldn't wear the end result. However, my friend Sarah most likely will do. She studied fashion design and now works in theatre costume. I know that even if she doesn't wear it she will be interested in the materials it is made from and will understand and appreciate the work that has gone in to the gift.

I also bought this silk, which strangely looks and feels more like cotton, to make something for myself. A scarf or shawl-ette most likely.

Kauni 8/2. I've bought this in 2 colour ways, rainbow that I hope to use for a Clapotis

and this red/orange that I'm not sure about. Some kind of stole or wrap I think, I'm just not sure which yet. I'm stalking Ravelry's pattern page looking for ideas.

I also bought some sock yarn from Cherry Tree Hill to make , well socks. There's

Caribou Creek
Wild Cherry
and When Only Denim Will Do.

Lastly I bought 2 hanks of laceweight from the Natural Dye Studio.

I have found myself being drawn to lace projects of late. I have a few patterns saved in my Ravelry notebook and will now be able to start narrowing the choices down.

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