Sunday, 24 May 2009

Summer Holidays

I'm taking some time off this summer. Having worked back to back contracts for a while I realised that I'd only had about 5 weeks off in the last 3 years. So I decided not to worry that I've got a big gap before my next job but to enjoy it instead. To catch up on the things that I love doing, dyeing and sewing and baking and knitting and being with the people that I love. So this will be a summer of crafting and visiting and taking time out (until someone rings and offers me a job!) to enjoy life.

I finished my last job on Monday and hit the road for my first visit. I travelled down to Somerset to hang out with my best friend from college and her two little girls. We had a great time, going to play groups and swimming and just enjoying each others company. With two girls under three it was more chaotic than relaxing, but great fun none the less and a great start to the summer.
I'm off again on Tuesday, to relatives on the Isle of Wight. Here's hoping the good weather we've had today is here to stay.

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