Monday, 29 June 2009

Amish Diamond

In the autumn last year I took part in a block swap with my dye group, using the Amish Diamond block.

I made these blocks. A set for each of ladies taking part.

And in return I received these.

We are currently running another swap with the same block. I should end up with enough for a quilt. This time around I intended to dye 4 new colours and make matching blocks like before. However, when I looked for fabric I discovered that I didn't have enough. As a result I pulled fabric that had been dyed for other things. Some were from last years swap and some left over from other swaps, I even over dyed a few pieces.

These are the blocks that I've made for this swap. I can get them packaged and sent off to the hostess tomorrow. Then I just have to wait for the return package to see what the other ladies made.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Socks, socks, socks

I've finished the panto socks. They were cast on in January and finished in May when I was in Cardiff with my last show. I was a little dissapionted with the yarn. All was well on sock 1, but whilst knitting sock 2 I had to cut out several sections where the yarn was damaged. Other than that I am happy with these, the new cast on I used is nice and stretchy, I like the k2p1 rib, and I'm happy with the mod's I've made as they give a good fit.

As soon as I'd finished the panto socks I wound the yarn and cast on for another pair. Plain vanilla socks again, but this time for one of the girls that I was working with.
I love, love, love this yarn. It wound off the hank with no problems, it was nice to knit with and the colour is lovely, just perfect for T. The yarn was a purchase that I made from Geminiknits on etsy back in February and I'm very happy that I have a hank for me! I used the new cast on and the k2p1 rib again and as T has smaller feet than me I took a couple of rows out of the foot. These came away with me and between playgroups and car journeys and just sitting in the sun drinking tea I managed to get them done in 2 weeks.
I have cast on now for my first patterned socks Cookie A's Pomatomus in the Cherry Tree Hill yarn Tropical Storm.

I got off to a bit of a rubbish start as I kept dropping stitches on the cuff! I'm halfway through the first pattern repeat now and am liking both the yarn and pattern. They are going to be a lot slower going than the last pair though as they are heavily patterned.