Monday, 29 June 2009

Amish Diamond

In the autumn last year I took part in a block swap with my dye group, using the Amish Diamond block.

I made these blocks. A set for each of ladies taking part.

And in return I received these.

We are currently running another swap with the same block. I should end up with enough for a quilt. This time around I intended to dye 4 new colours and make matching blocks like before. However, when I looked for fabric I discovered that I didn't have enough. As a result I pulled fabric that had been dyed for other things. Some were from last years swap and some left over from other swaps, I even over dyed a few pieces.

These are the blocks that I've made for this swap. I can get them packaged and sent off to the hostess tomorrow. Then I just have to wait for the return package to see what the other ladies made.

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