Wednesday, 19 August 2009

The one with all the sewing

I've been having a productive couple of weeks around here. The end of my holiday is getting ever closer and I've finally found my focus. Knitting has been finished, swatching has been done and the sewing machine has had a good work out. More about the knitting later this post is all about the cloth.

Needle Roll #1

I wanted to get my needles organised as they get into a big mess in my knitting bag and take ages to sort through when I need to find a pair! This is made from two Asda tea towels and a piece of scrap fabric from a work project.

One tea towel and the scrap fabric were cut into a rectangle. The second tea towel was cut into three strips, each seamed along one of the long edges . The fabric was then arranged with the right sides together, stitched around and bagged out. Then a quick press before sewing the hole closed and stitching channels for the needles to live in. The last job was to sew on a piece of cotton webbing to tie the roll closed with.

As you can see I like a bamboo needle!

Baby Bag

This little bag is for Missy who is three. Like her mum she had a bag to carry all the things her baby needs. It had a bottle, a nappy, a dummy, a toy, some baby wipes and sun lotion. Unlike her mum's it was an old gift bag and so got a little soggy this summer. We watched her push her baby across the lawn in her stroller leaving a trail of belongings behind as the paper bag finally gave up the ghost! So this little bag is a replacement. I made it out of some left over furnishing fabric. It is reversible and has 2 pockets on each side, ideal for tucking your baby's bottle in. I hope she likes it.

Needle Roll #2

When I first started knitting in earnest it was with chunky Rowan yarns like Big Wool and Biggy Print. I made hats and scarves, a couple of jumpers and a poncho. I moved on to finer yarns when my knitting speed picked up and when I realised that a chunky jumper on a chunky frame really isn't very flattering!

I made this second needle case from the scraps left over from the baby bag, I've made it differently to the first one for this reason. It is as wide as my scraps allowed and there wasn't enough fabric to make a flap at the top to hold the needles in so I put a band across instead. Again I used a piece of webbing as the tie.

TV Cover

The last piece of sewing was a cover for the flat screen in the kitchen. I used a piece of plasticised fabric and some flannel to create a sleeve to slide over the TV. The plastic fabric stops the screen getting splashed and the flannel stops any scratches. Now Dad is happy that his TV is protected from haphazard washer uppers and I only have to worry about not splashing the window!

That's it for the sewing round up, next time it will be the turn of the sticks and string.

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