Sunday, 26 April 2009

Still busy

Over panto I also worked on some projects that weren't socks.

These mitt/muffatees were finished last Christmas for my friend Sarah. The scarf that goes with them was cast on and frogged before I got to the first pattern repeat as I had stuffed it up spectacularly. I had to leave the project then as a wedding knit needed some attention. When I was home for Christmas I pulled this out again and have been slowly adding rows to it. I've managed 2 full repeats so far and have been careful to thread lifelines in case I balls up again.

I like the pattern on this, it's pretty easy to memorise with only 2 different rows. It doesn't show too much on this picture but the size of the holes seems to vary depending on which pattern row I'm on. I've tried to compensate for the loose hole row but it doesn't seem to make much difference. So I think I'm going to go with the flow and hope it evens up in blocking.

Wavy is coming along well now I've got counting to 3 sorted.

I have finished the mitts that match the scarf. I decided to make them to use up the spare hank of yarn i had once the scarf was a good length. Somewhere I messed up though. I weighed the first mitt and the remaining yarn and they were within a couple of grams of each other. Easy, I thought. I can just pull a couple of rows from the scarf. However, once I had run out of yarn it was clear that I would need more than a couple of rows stolen from the scarf to finish. So I bit the bullet and bought another hank.

It seems a shame to leave less than a hank of this yarn hanging around. So, I now need to sit down and work out what row I left the scarf on so that I can use up the rest of the yarn. Still, the weather is getting warmer so I've got a while to get round to this.

And finally....A couple of berets. For a mother and son. A work colleague saw the Innocent hat version of the above beret that I made and asked if I would knit one for her. When she announced her pregnancy it seemed like the ideal time to get on with it and a matching one for her new addition.

They just need to block and have the ends woven in and they are good to go.

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