Saturday, 13 March 2010

1,2,3, hat

Pattern: Urchin by Ysolda Teague
Needles: 7mm
Yarn: Rowan Little Big Wool #512

During the last dump of snow we had a friend jokingly asked me to make her a hat like mine as her head was cold. I had downloaded the Urchin pattern a few weeks previously and hat a ton of the Little Big Wool so I thought why not?
With the chunky yarn it was a nice quick knit and the construction was interesting. I did have to start twice as the pattern was written in a slightly confusing way. It wasn't until I knit the pattern repeat for the second time that it clicked and I realised that I had somehow managed to skip several rows on the first repeat. As my hat (purchased several years ago in Castle Douglas during a very wet week) has a flower on it I thought that one would be in order for this hat too.

The flower and leaf are from a crocheted set I bought on etsy two years ago with the intention of using them on a little girls sweater/cardigan which I haven't got around to yet. The recipient was very pleased with the finished hat, declaring that she would keep it on in bed! What more can you ask for? An interesting, quick project knit from the stash.

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